School & Campus Disinfection Solutions
Build for achievement
Assess environmental risk, improve staff productivity, and cut energy and chemical costs across your campus. Use intelligent sensing to assess environmental risk, improve janitorial workflows and productivity, and save costs on chemical cleaning and energy.
See campus ROI
Trusted by schools across the country

Students and staff deserve the best learning environments.
Saves janitorial
Speed up classroom disinfection by 25%, so you can cover more classrooms in each shift.
Saves energy and emissions
Schools try to improve air quality by turning up HVAC systems. Circulating more air isn't disinfection, and the climate and cost impact of HVAC is significant. R-Zero offers 1/20th the greenhouse gas emissions as HVAC systems.
Addresses odor problems
Microorganism growth and poor ventilation create odor problems in bathrooms, locker rooms, and wrestling rooms. Continuous disinfection reduces odor-causing bacteria by 99.9%, making these areas more comfortable.
Harvard study in a top-5 school district shows reduction of viral samples in wastewater
UV-C is a proven solution for cost-effective disinfection. Learn how UV-C was used in one of the top 5 largest U.S. school districts with over 300,000 students, and its implications for your facilities.

Total Campus Protection
Protect your entire campus with real-time environmental risk scores and
UV-C disinfection solutions for every indoor space.







Estimate the financial benefits of better school disinfection
R-Zero can reduce your operating costs while reducing microbial loads on your campus. Find out how much you can save.
ROI Calculator
Find out just how much R-Zero can help you save.
Equivalent Ventilation Improvement over Baseline :
Risk Reduction over Baseline :
Decreased spend on substitute teachers :
Avoided HVAC Energy Costs :
Financial Benefit ($/yr) :
% Savings compared to HVAC :