Smart filtration to reduce HVAC energy consumption while improving IAQ
SecureAire’s patented electrically-enhanced filters achieve a 2 year payback period due to the reduction in fan energy, achieving a MERV 13 rating or higher, while reducing HVAC system energy and maintenance costs.

Optimize indoor environments for efficiency, performance, and comfort
Attain ASHRAE 52.2 MERV 13 results
Meet the industry's requirements for MERV 13 filter efficiency while alleviating the strain on your HVAC equipment. SecureAire Technology provides the lowest fan resistance while delivering high efficiency filtration.
Reduce energy and maintenance costs
Decrease fan energy consumption with minimal static pressure drop, while extending filter life by 2-3 times—significantly lowering your overall maintenance costs.
Turn a normal AHU/RTU into an IAQ system
Provide the highest level indoor air quality, reducing ultra-fine particles from wildfires and infectious airborne disease.
Capture the smallest particles
SecureAire's ACTIVE Particle Control Technology both captures and inactivates fine and ultrafine pathogens which are known to be the deadliest.
Install into new or existing equipment
Retrofit new or existing AHU/RTU HVAC systems without extensive modifications. Our 2': 4" wide, or V-Bank options offer the most flexibility.
Comply with ASHRAE standards
By cleaning a higher percentage of indoor air (I/A), less outdoor air (O/A), is required to remain in compliance with ASHRAE 62.1. This provides the ability to maximize the energy consumption efficiency of an HVAC system.
R-Zero is trusted by industry leaders

Four simple steps
SecureAire’s ACTIVE Particle Control Process
- Condition particles with both positive and negative polarities.
- Particle conditioning causes colliding and coagulation of particles and the formation of “Net Neutrals” only created by SecureAire Technology.
- Anything captured within the SecureAire Filter Matrix is killed or inactivated.
- "Net Neutrals" arriving within the indoor environment control the “transport” of small particles so they are more easily captured.
MERV 13+ efficiency,
with less energy consumption than MERV 8

SecureAire filter technology is easily adapted through multiple configurations. ACS-Slim Line Technology advantages include: