Upper-Room UVGI

Clean air faster and more affordably than mechanical air changes alone
with autonomous upper-room UVGI from Beam.

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Continuous air disinfection


Provide powerful air disinfection by adding 12+ equivalent air changes per hour to your space, the same as replacing room air every 5 minutes.

Disinfect continuously whenever a room is occupied and for 20 minutes after.


Ensure safe operation: Beam mounts at 7 feet or higher — above human presence.

If motion is detected in the disinfection zone, Beam turns off immediately.


Kill up to 99.999% of target microbes* with the energy consumption of a high-performance laptop. Beam achieves an equivalent air change rate as HVAC with 95% less energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions.

How Beam works

Installed in occupied spaces with long occupant dwell times, Beam is the perfect solution for powerful and continuous air disinfection.
Beam shines a layer of UVGI light at the top of a room, typically from 7 feet up to the ceiling. This is called the disinfection zone.
As occupants talk and breathe, their exhaled breath travels to the top of the room (warmer air rises), reaching the disinfection zone.
Beam’s UV-C light rapidly inactivates the target microbes in this air by preventing their replication.
Newly cleaned air naturally recirculates back into the lower portion of the room, where it is inhaled.

R-Zero’s Arc UV-C tower is eligible for state and federal grant funding.
Ask us to help you find funding.

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One platform for smart, efficient, and healthy buildings

R-Zero Connect integrates data from all devices, extracts insights, and manages workflows.

Beam's presence detection and usage data are incorporated into the Connect platform to inform room-based environment risk scores.

Smart cleaning

Hear what our customers say about R-Zero


The three established and proven air disinfection technologies are mechanical ventilation, upper room germicidal UV, and portable room air cleaners. Of these, upper room UV is the most cost-effective and is demonstrably safe and readily available to deploy today.

Dr. Edward Nardell
Professor at Harvard Medical School and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health


Efficiency redefined

Leverage occupancy and IAQ data to drive energy savings and future-proof your buildings.