The New Standard: Sensors

  • 2022 Benchmark Data. Who Is Measuring What?

    Hello Friends, Who ended 2022 where you thought you would? Well, many of our customers did not and some ended the year finding themselves in the middle of surprising new trends. We’d like to share with you some of our 2022 sensor-based Utilization Benchmark Data. If you are curious about any of these key findings, […]

  • Peak Utilization

    Right-Sizing your Portfolio with Peak Metrics

    A new way of working is here to stay. What started as a pandemic-era necessity has rapidly become the norm in many industries, including many fortune 500 companies and global corporations. Studies have shown that 73% percent of employees say they need a better reason to go into the office than just company expectations. It’s […]

  • Office Space Utilization Metrics

    Top 8 Essential Office Space Utilization Metrics & Their Applications

    One thing we know for sure is that the future is uncertain. Instead of being stuck in a daze of wonder, real estate professionals are grounding their planning processes in data. So long as they have data to guide them, they can plan for hybrid work environments that are bound to change over time. Fortune […]

  • Allocation vs Utilization

    Allocation vs Utilization: Put Your Data in Action With Workplace Analytics!

    If you’re a facility manager or otherwise deal with the business of organizing your office’s space, there are two terms you need to be familiar with: allocation and utilization. These terms are often used interchangeably, but they actually refer to very specific yet equally important aspects of creating a cost-effective and space-efficient workplace environment. Learning […]

  • Facility Management Costs Per Square Foot

    3-30-300 Rule and ROI

    When it comes to selling a product, ROI is easy to visualize by simply comparing expenditure to profit—but what about estimating returns on your actual workspace? Office space is a company’s second largest cost behind people, and managers tasked with improving workplace utilization often have little reference for what drives productivity and thus makes workspace […]

  • Office Layout Ideas

    Office Layout Ideas: How to Design Hybrid Office Space

    With most American companies still in the throes of what RTO means to them, now is an opportunity for owners, operators, and tenants to reinvent the kind of space their workforce will be working in for the coming years. The pandemic has presented the business world with the opportunity to take part in the Great […]

  • Rotating Shift Schedule

    New Work Schedules With the 3/2 Split (3 in Office, 2 at Home)

    The Covid-19 pandemic forced the introduction of plenty of creative solutions to coworking in the lockdown era. Almost overnight, and with literal lives on the line, companies around the world had to fundamentally change the way they did business to accommodate social distancing protocols and quarantines. Two years on, many businesses have grown accustomed to […]

  • Hybrid Work Model

    A Hybrid Office for Everyone

    When the Covid-19 pandemic spread to the mainland United States in March of 2020, unbeknownst to the public, a huge scale experiment in altering the layout of the American business culture was about to begin. With nationwide quarantine orders in effect, businesses spent billions investing in Work From Home infrastructure—including things like altered scheduling, teleconference, […]

  • Workplace Environment Affecting Employee Productivity

    How Workplace Environment Affects Employee Productivity

    It’s the basic question that every manager or business owner needs to answer: “What can I do to help my employees be more productive?” However, recent studies have shown that question may already be answered by the time your employees first set foot in their workspace. Factors like temperature, lighting, and noise can have a […]

  • Improving Workplace with Meeting Room Occupancy Sensors

    Improving Employee Efficiency with Meeting Room Occupancy Sensors

    No matter how much employers or building managers wish there was a magic formula for improving employee efficiency, it remains a complex problem that depends on a lot of factors. issues with scheduling, space management, and even office comfort levels all directly influence the quality of work your employees are capable of. When confronting an […]

  • R-Zero vs Density: Differences That Will Guide You to Make a Final Decision

    Investing in the new generation of smart office technology can sometimes feel like a leap of faith, especially when you don’t know what systems will work best for your unique business environment. Occupancy sensors for offices can provide crucial data about how your office or workplace is actually used by employees—data which can translate to […]

  • Sensor Data Collection and Employee Privacy

    Sensor Data Collection and Employee Privacy

    As the role of digital technology in the workplace has grown exponentially over the past two decades, so has the need for oversight of what information is collected by digital services used by employers. A Pew Research survey on consumer privacy found that “93% of adults say that being in control of who can get […]

  • Building a Modern Business with Occupancy Sensor Data

    Building a Modern Business with Occupancy Sensor Data

    Going to the office isn’t like what it used to be. Instead of giant labyrinths of cubicles and meeting spaces, modern workspaces need to be flexible, and designed to meet employee demands. In the digital age, workplace management is really about data management, and that’s where R-Zero occupancy sensors can mean the difference between wasted […]

  • Facilities Management Trends in 2021

    Facilities Management Trends in 2021

    Facilities Management is a crucial, and sometimes underappreciated, aspect of any business where an office or workspace is a necessity. Proper FM balances both employee experience with cost-balancing measures and is crucial to a comfortable, well-functioning workplace. In 2021, as businesses are returning to work but stay mindful of lessons learned during the pandemic, FM […]

  • Office Density Guidelines

    WorkPlace Utilization: Discrepancies between CAFM, Badge, & Sensor Data

    It’s not uncommon for an organization’s assumed workplace utilization to be vastly different from reality. We’ve found this to be due to several things— a lack of understanding in what utilization represents and the low fidelity of the tools used when measuring. Historic methods for determining utilization are not actually processes of measuring at all […]

  • Explaining the Types of Anonymous Occupancy Sensors

    Explaining the Types of Anonymous Occupancy Sensors

    Passive infrared sensing devices have become ubiquitous in commercial real estate. The technology has become a standard in many applications due to its simple and completely anonymous method of detecting presence. Historically, building systems have utilized the integration of granular motion sensors and their basic occupancy event data for driving improvements in energy usage. Sensors […]

  • WorkPlace Data: Occupancy vs. Utilization

    WorkPlace Data: Occupancy vs. Utilization

    Not everyone analyzing workplace data has experience in workplace metrics and, even for professionals, there can be confusion when comparing occupancy to utilization. While the two are often used interchangeably, they are in fact very different. Think back to the days when companies would pay a person to walk through a building with a clipboard […]

  • Productivity in Healthy Workplaces

    Preserving Productivity with Healthy Workplaces

    We’ve always considered workplace productivity the golden metric because it relates to growth, worker satisfaction, and retention. We have recently seen how digital tools can lead to time efficiency, continuity, and effectiveness while working from home. The area of productivity that real estate and facilities teams can have the most impact on is in the […]

  • Realtime Workplace Safety

    A Safer Workplace is a Connected Workplace

    There is a lot of confusion about real-time workplace data. When R-Zero talks real-time, we mean it. Our sensors update to the cloud instantaneously when a seat or space becomes occupied or vacated. Why is this important? Because real-time data will run the future office. Making data available to staff can alleviate fears and build […]

  • Create a Safe Workplace

    How Using Workplace Data can Decrease Janitorial Expenses for Your Business

    While North American companies are depending on summertime heat to quell the virus and usher in the commencement of business, experts believe that this virus may be here to stay, returning each fall and winter, as an endemic seasonal concern. We all know that lockdown can’t go on forever, yet to ensure the safety and […]

  • Workplace Safety Utilisation

    How to Decrease Costs in a Business with Low Workplace Utilization

    In the shadow of COVID-19, business strategists are finding themselves suddenly stranded in dark and uncharted territory. Struggling to reclaim and retain market stability under a nail-biting stock-market decline, businesses are seeing an en-mass clearing of desks as entire workforces are ordered into self-quarantine, to care for loved ones whilst trying to manage their work […]