Customer Spotlight: Providing Usage Data to Corporate Real Estate Customers

Commercial companies know the importance of data; data insights allow them to optimize and adjust resources in order to achieve their long-term goals. That’s why savvy commercial companies seek out data about their employees’ workspace usage, in order to optimize their spaces for employee satisfaction and performance.

R-Zero’s WorkPoint Sensors and WorkSpace Counters are developed to provide secure and accurate data about space usage and occupancy, and we’re glad that our devices are helping companies create efficient and useful workspaces.

Here are a few of our latest commercial customers and their stories:

Meet 3 of R-Zero’s Commercial Real Estate Customers

An Insurance Company’s Partnership with R-Zero

This insurance company envisions a world where more people have access to financial freedom, and they are dedicated to creating an inclusive and accessible company. With the future-focused mindset of the insurance industry, this company wanted to optimize the space in their existing buildings, especially as it related to occupancy and utilization.

They needed a partner that would provide them with room usage data so they could measure employee engagement. If there were spaces that remained empty for most of the day, that space could be adapted for another purpose. Likewise, they could focus their janitorial teams by only cleaning spaces after they had been occupied. Spending time and money to have a space that’s only used every few days on a daily cleaning schedule is just one example of the disadvantages that they wanted to find and address.

How they work with R-Zero

This insurance company partnered with R-Zero to utilize the data insights provided by R-Zero sensors. They purchased WorkPoint Sensors and WorkSpace Counters to be installed throughout two of their major buildings and to measure the usage patterns of over a thousand occupants.

The WorkPoint Sensors are small; they can fit in the palm of your hand and can be installed on ceilings or furniture. They use infrared sensing to determine whether a person is present in a room, and they keep all data anonymous. The WorkSpace Counter is installed on ceilings, and uses thermal technology and AI to measure the number of people in a room. R-Zero values privacy, and the Counters cannot identify specific people, just how many people are present.

The cumulative data collected by these sensors helped this company examine room usage patterns to make intelligent space planning decisions in the future. With their employee engagement data, this insurance company can continue its mission of fostering a safe and supportive work environment through optimized workspaces.

An Internet Tech Company’s Partnership with R-Zero

This internet technology company has a worldwide reach with a variety of commerce, content, and entertainment products. With a culture of integrity implemented throughout all levels of the organization, this company wanted to find a way to manage its global footprint.

Workplace phenomena like “ghost meetings,” where conference rooms are reserved but unused, or meeting rooms used by only a single person can contribute to inefficiencies. This internet technology company wanted to solve those inefficiencies and optimize the workspace for all team members.

How they work with R-Zero

This internet tech company started its partnership with R-Zero by piloting the WorkPoint and WorkPlace sensors in their Southern Califirnia office. After seeing the staffing patterns and occupancy data that the sensors collected, they ordered additional sensors for two more buildings in overseas locations.

The partnership between R-Zero and this company is a strategic, long-term investment. This is due to the longevity of R-Zero WorkSpace Counters, with a battery life exceeding 5 years, and R-Zero WorkPoints, which boast a battery life of 10 years. The valuable data collected so far has empowered this company to make informed decisions regarding space utilization, enabling them to optimize their operations effectively. The success and insights gained from this collaboration have inspired them to further expand their partnership with R-Zero, recognizing the immense value and potential for continued growth.

A Cloud-Based Software Company’s Partnership with R-Zero

As a provider of cloud-based software solutions encompassing customer service, sales, marketing, and analytics, this software company caters to a diverse clientele. Recognizing the significance of creating positive customer relationships, they also prioritize creating a conducive work environment for their employees. 

The company recently embarked on an evaluation of the available spaces within their buildings, aiming to assess how effectively they were meeting the needs of their workforce. This proactive approach reflects their commitment to continuously improving the work environment and ensuring that it aligns with the well-being and productivity of their valued employees.

In order to gain insights into their employees’ needs, they required a reliable method to monitor workstation utilization across various buildings and locations. With a global workforce of over 79,000 employees, they sought a robust and adaptable solution that could be seamlessly implemented in diverse settings.

How they work with R-Zero

This software company purchased sensors for a global deployment to study how various workspace types affected employee usage patterns, activities, and vacancies. The WorkPoint Sensor is perfect for measuring how employees use specific resources, like desks and phone booths, which allows this software company to make informed furniture decisions as well as real estate decisions.

Driven by their growth mindset, this software company recently initiated a workspace utilization study across seven locations, utilizing R-Zero sensors as data-collection tools. By targeting locations slated for redesign, they aim to leverage the collected data to optimize space utilization in their new workspace designs, maximizing efficiency and productivity.

Find Your Data Insights with R-Zero

R-Zero partners with companies of all shapes and sizes. Whether you have limited floor space or a multi-level building for your commercial company, R-Zero can provide the sensors you need to collect the data to optimize your space. 

Are you ready to learn how your team members use your space? Contact us today to start the conversation about R-Zero’s sensor options.

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